Friday, August 3, 2012

A Not So Fried Egg

One of the summer goals that my best friend Aimee and I had this year was to be able to fry an egg on the sidewalk.

On our way over to her house yesterday, she was walking barefoot, and the scorching pavement burned her feet. We took that as a clue that it was finally hot enough to fulfill our goal.

Before we started we decided to check in Aimee's Daring Book for Girls - which happened to have a chapter about frying eggs on the sidewalk - to make sure we were doing everything right. (Don't worry we were) Oh and guess what, we had even thought of using aluminum foil before the book suggested it! But anyway, the book wasn't super optimistic about how our egg would turn out. It practically flat out told us that it wouldn't work. But, being the crazy, adventurous girls that we are, we thought that we would give it a shot anyway.

Well, we go out and set the aluminum foil on the street near the curb, and place the egg on top of it (not yet cracked). Which come to think of it was probably a really stupid thing to do, seeing as the egg could have very easily been taken or squished. But, thank goodness, it survived. Well, we went back inside, giving the foil about twenty minutes to warm up. It didn't. At all. After twenty minutes, it was only slightly warm. Bummer, right?

However, we decided to crack the egg onto the foil anyway. Hey, we had to at least try, didn't we? Well, we went back inside and let the egg sit there for about two hours. We would check on it periodically of course, just to make sure that it was still there, and to see if anything miraculous had happened yet. Of course, it hadn't.

Eventually it was almost time for me to go home, so we went out to check on our 'frying' egg one last time. To our surprise, the very edges of the clear part of the egg were slightly white. We obviously got very excited at this new transformation. I decided to poke the top of the yoke just to see if it was still gooey. It wasn't. It was hard, and gross. So, to our dismay, we had to give up on it and throw it away. :( Sad day, I know.

So Anyway . . . my dreams of eating an egg that was fried on the sidewalk are now crushed. *sigh*

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